Home > Inhibitors & Agonists > Wnt/Notch/Hedgehog > Notch
Cat. No. Product name CAS No.
DC11489 6-alkynyl Fucose

A fucose analog that inhibits Dll-induced Notch signaling by reducing Notch ligand Dll1-Notch1 binding, but not Jag1.

DC11930 EDD3

A novel Notch inhibitor that reduces protein expression of NOTCH1, NICD and HES1 in HEK293 cells and downregulates Notch target genes.

DC11862 BMS-906024

BMS-906024 is a highly potent, selective inhibitor of γ-secretase mediated signaling of Notch1/2/3/4 receptors with IC50 of 1.6/0.7/3.4/2.9 nM, respectively.

DC9756 IMR-1 Featured

IMR-1 Inhibits the Notch Transcriptional Activation Complex to Suppress Tumorigenesis.

DC9785 IMR-1A Featured

IMR-1A is the metabolite of IMR-1. IMR-1 is a novel class of Notch inhibitors targeting the transcriptional activation with IC50 of 6 μmol/L.

DC7776 LY-3039478

LY3039478 a orally bioavailable, novel small molecule Notch inhibitor with an IC50 of ~1nM in most of the tumor cell lines tested.

DC11017 ZLDI-8 Featured

ZLDI-8 (IAC-8) is a novel Notch signaling pathway inhibitor for Notch activating/cleaving enzyme ADAM-17, significantly decreases the level of NICD and accumulation of NICD in the nucleus; exhibits cytotoxic acitviity against MHCC97-H cells with IC50 of 5.32 uM, reduces the expression of pro-survival/anti-apoptosis regulators, Survivin and cIAP1/2, also increases the expression of epithelial marker E-Cadherin and reduces mesenchymal markers N-Cadherin and Vimentin in HCC cells; significantly disrupted the activity of Notch pathway in HCC cells and inhibits the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) process of HCC cells; ZLDI-8 treatment enhances the susceptibility of HCC cells to Sorafenib, Etoposide, and Paclitaxel both in vitro and in vivo.

DC28774 CB-103 Featured

CB-103 is a notch signaling pathway inhibitor extracted from patent US9296682B2. CB-103 is developed for the treatment of cancers.

DC41036 RBPJ Inhibitor-1

RBPJ Inhibitor-1 (RIN1), the first RBPJ inhibitor, blocks the functional interaction of RBPJ with SHARP. RBPJ Inhibitor-1 (RIN1) inhibits NOTCH-dependent tumor cell proliferation.

DC46314 Notch 1 TFA

Notch 1 TFA (Notch homolog 1, translocation-associated) can encode a member of the NOTCH family of proteins. Members of this Type I transmembrane protein family share structural characteristics including an extracellular domain consisting of multiple epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats, and an intracellular domain consisting of multiple different domain types.


SAHM1 TFA is a Notch pathway inhibitor. SAHM1 TFA stabilizes hydrocarbon-stapled alpha helical peptide. SAHM1 TFA targets the protein-protein interface and prevents Notch complex assembly.

DC50132 ASR-490

ASR-490 reduces the viability of HCT116 and SW620 cells by downregulating Notch1 signaling. ASR-490 overcomes Notch1 overexpression and inhibits the growth of HCT/Notch1 transfectants. ASR-490 inhibits the tumor growth in control (pCMV/HCT116) and Notch1/HCT116 in xenotransplanted mice.

DC50133 BT-GSI

BT-GSI is a γ-secretase inhibitor (GSI) and a bone-targeted Notch inhibitor. BT-GSI has dual anti-myeloma and anti-resorptive properties, which can be used for the research of multiple myeloma and associated bone disease. BT-GSI inhibits tumor growth and osteolytic disease progression.

DC70218 ASR490

ASR490 (ASR 490) is a small molecule that binds to NRR of Notch1, specifically inhibits Notch1-mediated survival of colorectal cancer cells (IC50=0.6-1.2 uM); ASR490 overcomes Notch1 overexpression and inhibits the growth of HCT/Notch1 transfectants, reduces Notch1-mediated tumor burden in xenografts.

DC70282 CAD204520

CAD204520 (CAD 204520) is a potent, specific, oral available inhibitor of SERCA (Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase) with IC50 of 0.34 uM; CAD204520 preferentially targets mutated over wild-type NOTCH1 proteins in T-All and MCL. CAD204520 preferentially inhibited the Ca2+-ATPase by reducing SERCA's ATP hydrolysis activity with an IC50=0.34 uM as compared to the Na+/K+-ATPase (IC50 8.30 uM) and the H+-ATPase. CAD204520 modulates Notch1 signaling, and preferentially inhibits NOTCH1 mutated cancers. CAD204520 suppresses NOTCH1-mutated leukemic cells in a T-ALL xenografted model without causing cardiac toxicity.

DC70635 NADI-351

NADI-351 is a specific small-molecule inhibitor of Notch1 transcriptional complexes with IC50 of 8.8 uM in cellualr reporter assays.NADI-351 inhibited OE33 cell growth in single dose MTT assays (EC50= 10 uM) and, more potently, in multi-dose colony formation assays (EC50=1.3 uM)NADI-351 is 15 times more potent than IMR-1 in an NTC AlphaScreen assay.NADI-351 selectively disrupted Notch1 transcription complexes, inhibited recruitment of Notch1 to the NTC (Notch Ternary Complex) and to the HES1 promoter, and reduced Notch1 recruitment to target genes.NADI-351 inhibits tumor growth in Notch-dependent cancers and does not exert gastrointestinal toxicity associated with goblet cell metaplasia.NADI-351 selectively inhibits stem-like esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) cell populations.

DC74458 AG-1031

AG-1031 (AG1031) is a specific small molecule inhibitor of the double-stranded DNA binding activity of positive coactivator 4 (PC4) with IC50 of 2.5 uM, more effectively than its single-stranded DNA binding activity (IC50=15 uM).

DC74459 Z271-0326

Z271-0326 is a first-in-class, potent and specifc inhibitor of NACK (Notch activation complex kinase) with SPR KD value of 0.89 uM, directly blocks NACK recruitment to the Notch ternary complex (NTC).

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